Hand painted Mayan Artistry available from Magnetic Earth Studios, Pool, Cornwall.
There is something of a twisted irony in the White Wind Wavespell which breezes into our lives on this Saturday’s Aquarian full moon, for the white wind represents the very ‘breath of life’ and with the mask wearing that has dominated our lives for nearly two years now, this veritable breath of fresh air, frankly cannot blow hard enough! When God created man, he blew life into him with his own breath… breathe in…breathe out …and take charge of your breath, a gift from the Great Spirit, the gift of life itself! Deep conscious breathing is essential to our health and well- being as it releases toxins held in the body. In addition to that when we breathe effortlessly, our words flow like the stream, allowing the breath of spirit to communicate our truths and our wisdom with integrity.
White Wind is the catalysing energy that moves through all things; you might want to call it Prana, life force or Chi energy. Imagine trying to capture the wind and contain it in a little box – it would be impossible, wouldn’t it? Wind energy needs to move freely, it knows no structure and doesn’t attach or align itself with any approved religious rites, ceremony or organized religious groups, Wind energy is the proverbial ‘free spirit’…
Free Spirit …’Freedom’, the very essence of that word being compromised at every turn however with the latest vaccine legislation. As you know I don’t normally get political in my blogs or take a ‘for or against’ stand but here’s the thing, when it comes to our children…then it does become personal and I do feel the need to speak out!
As Kate said to me today; “What life experience could any person under the age of twenty-five have had that would enable them to make an informed decision about a vaccine, that only has approval under emergency legislation, and for which the long-term health effects are not yet known?” My thoughts exactly.
So just ponder for a moment, what sort of democratic government is it that seems hell-bent on coercing our young people to take a vaccine (in many cases against their will), by threatening to take away their freedom to enjoy their youth if they refuse to comply?
How can our children be the ‘free spirits’ they were created to be, living joyously and spontaneously, when that freedom comes at a price?
We, as adults can make the choice for ourselves, whether to be vaccinated or not, but what of our children? How many of us would feel entirely comfortable making that decision for them, with full awareness of the unknown risks involved when the data clearly shows they are not the ones at risk from the disease or the cause of its spread? These decisions are now beyond reckless, they are frankly criminal. It's way past time for every adult to stand up and be counted; to defend our young people's freedoms, lives and health, before the government moves to their next target - our children and babies.
As a collective we are all going through an ‘unprecedented and unique experience’ and how we think and feel in these challenging times matters. It is not enough to be towed along with the directives of those in power, if those in power are not voicing our true feelings and authentic expression. This wavespell is a reminder to engage our hearts and minds in unison and to stay fully ‘present. It’s not about reacting in the moment or taking a divisory stance, it is about making our communication come from a place of true connection and authenticity. It is about making our voices heard and our words count…
I am very lucky to live not far from a beach and yesterday on my one closing day of the week, I took myself off despite the sizzling temperatures to a local expansive beach, finding a ‘non crowded’ spot and swimming out as far as I was able. Feeling the fresh salty water and looking up at an azure blue sky, I breathed in the ‘terrestrial’ chi energy – the life force energy experienced near our rivers, oceans and seas. The water was like a ‘millpond’, it was hard in that moment to believe that there was anything wrong with our world.
It made me think however, ‘how often do we take the simple act of breathing for granted?’ Certainly during the period of compulsory mask wearing we all perhaps began to appreciate the breath; the very essence that keeps us alive. So in this wavespell, my advice is this; find a place in nature when you can experience the joy of simply being alive; feel the exhilaration of your breath, the oneness with nature, your connection to the Great Spirit. Find a hilly or mountainous area to climb if you can and feel how energizing the wind is on a blustery day, (if we get one!) Fills your lungs and be inspired and in tune with nature! White Wind is the simple knowledge that invisible forces are always moving in our lives, guiding and inspiring us.
The wavespell of the White Magnetic Wind begins on July 24th and continues for thirteen days until 6th August. On Saturday 24th it is also a ‘GAP’ day (Galactic Activation Portal day) in the Mayan sacred calendar, (Kin 222) so the energies will feel intensified as the ‘veil’ is thinner and we are much closer to Source. Add to that the effects felt of the July 23rd Full ‘Buck’ Moon in Aquarius, when we are being asked to get behind the causes we believe in, then this coming period is quite a par de force. A buck moon indicates the time of the year in Native American traditions when the male deer develops its antlers. Deer as shamanic wisdom reminds us to stay consistent with our path in life, to connect with our individuality and voice our truth with gentleness yet firmness. Deer asks us to listen to the intuition that guides us.
So… listen to the knowing, the inspiration and the wisdom that drifts by us and through us … just as though it were being carried on a gentle summer breeze…. The winds of change are most definitely upon us, but never doubt for a single second in all of this your connection and oneness to Source.
Happy Wind Wavespell!
Jacky & Kate
