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Take a good look around you… What do you see? The more we have strayed away from the Earth and her natural cycles, the more we have fed the illusion and the chaos of our external world. Most of us have spent years searching outside ourselves for supply, support, harmony and happiness. We have forgotten how to be in touch with the creative flow of the universe… many of us sadly still at the starting block and trapped in the illusory world of the ego and the hedonistic way of life that underpins our society.

And all the while we feel we are inexplicably moving towards something

Earth is advancing through a pivotal new cycle and all of humanity is moving with her. Change of a dynamic nature is happening now! And collectively we are being forced to change and adapt – whether we like it or not!

This current and significant ‘vibrational shift’ we are all experiencing will take us away from being caught up in the drama of our everyday emotional entanglements and instead lead us to focus on ‘conscious detachment’. Since our emotional bodies are linked magnetically and directly to the Earth, we are being forced to look at and banish old ways and behaviours that no longer serve ourselves …or Gaia herself. We all have a purpose, a mission, a part to play and it is only in moving our attention inwards, to the heart, that we may truly hear and feel what our true self is whispering to us.

What are you being called to change?

Ask yourself these simple questions:

Does your work/career satisfy your creative yearnings and stimulate you on a daily basis? Do you pay attention to your hunches and insights and the signs the universe sends you? Do you feel a permanent sense of joy and inner peace…? Do you feel a passion and a reverence for this gift we call… Life?

If you have answered ‘No’ to any of these questions, it isn’t too late to do something about it. Withdraw your focus from the external scene …and draw it inwards. Change depends on just one thing – the intention – and it begins with your thoughts.

You owe it to your mission here on Earth ……”

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