A wise teacher once said; “Hold the vision and Trust the Process”.
That said, the following really is a simple Visualisation that you can do as often as you wish both as part of a group or on your own. In my therapeutic work, sometimes people say to me “but I struggle with trying to visualise things, the pictures simply don’t come”… I then ask them not to think of for example “a large hippopotamus carrying a yellow polka dot umbrella and wearing a purple skirt!” Before you know it, they have the image. Alternatively if you still struggle to visualise (and this is something that was second nature to us as children remember), then I say to the subconscious mind… “Imagine that you can…”
Just try it! You will be assisting the earth through this time of important planetary evolution… just with your ‘Intention’…

This image has been created to assist you with the visualisation.
Whilst the Pyramids have been a source of mystery and wonder to us for centuries, they have come to represents an image of deep spiritual significance and one that symbolises immense strength, fortitude and energy. The base of the pyramid represents our foundation and in a sense the physical body, the ascending sides showing our attempts to spiritually ‘aspire’ to the universal point, the apex, where our ascent makes the union with our Higher Self or Higher consciousness. Spiritually, then the Pyramid represents a path towards enlightenment.
In ancient Egypt the pyramids were used as healing chambers, as well as tombs for the Egyptian Kings and Queens in their passage to the afterlife. What makes a pyramid so powerful is its ability to channel or collect energy from the higher realms of the stars, the planets and the Universe and deliver it down to earth. Healthy negative ions permeate the inside of the pyramid, making it a space for healing and purifying anything that enters it.
Black Obsidian – is one of the ‘blackest of the black’ spiritual stones often used in healing and owing to its shiny ‘reflective’ surface was used by the ancients as a ‘scrying’ stone, acting as a conduit to the Higher realms. Black Obsidian is incredibly grounding, releasing disharmony and built up energy patterns of fear and anger, as well as being a highly ‘protective’ stone. It is a stone that ‘draws out’ Truth.
Meditation ‘Disarming Fear – Exposing Truth’.
Find a quiet spot do this, the visualisation lasts for only seven and a half minutes and you will be helping to protect the earth in doing so…
Grateful Blessings