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Visualisation - Becoming 'At One' with a Crystal/


Sit with your spine as straight as possible. Take some nice long deep breaths and still the mind.

Hold a personally selected crystal in your left hand for 3 or 4 minutes.

Keep your eyes open for a few moments, but relax your vision and stare ‘lazily’ into the crystal. Become receptive to how the crystal feels in your hand. Is it warm or cold? What does its surface texture feel like, rough or smooth? Look at its beauty and its intricate unique markings, marvel at it, it is a wonder of our natural world.

Now pull it close to you, feel its vibrations at your solar plexus (the naval), move it to your heart centre and then to your brow (third eye chakra). How does that feel? Then once again, hold it out in front of you and study it closely once more.

Stare into the crystal for a few minutes longer then close your eyes. Take the image of the crystal into your mind. Let your mind visually wander across the surface of the crystal in your minds eye, reminding yourself of its colour, the surface texture, its natural imperfections and its shape.

Imagine now being able to step inside your crystal, directing your consciousness inwards and observing its molecular structure. There is nothing random in it geometric make-up. Marvel at how all the atoms and molecules vibrate in perfect harmony with the universe … as though the universe were held within it…

Monitor your feelings for a moment or two as you experience what it looks and feels like to be inside the crystal? Can you feel its coolness? Can you experience its clarity? Do you feel calm inside it?

Stand in the very centre of the crystal and take a 360 degree scan of all its many facets.


Sit down in the very centre of the crystal and ask; “What message do you carry for me?” “How can you help and support me in my growth?”

Feel the subtle emanations from the crystal, like golden rays of sunlight, washing away all the unwanted aspect of the self, all those dark and muddy areas which no longer serve your growth and those unconscious parts which we all hide for fear of non-acceptance or rejection. Surrender them now to the crystal. Surrender them to the light. Let the crystal’s healing power wash over you and through you.

Your crystal exists only in perfect harmony with the universe and so you are vibrating to a state of being at one with the universe, feeling the universe pulsing through you… at one with all of creation.

Feel the bliss…


Take a deep breath and remind yourself of your conscious connection with your physical body once more. Feel yourself earthed and grounded. Take the sense of deep peace with you as you go about your daily life… and know that you can return to this visualisation any time you wish. It exists now in the wellspring of your imagination…


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