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Mayan Insight for A Yellow Seed Wavespell (7th - 20th May)


Mayan Wall Art by Jacky @ Magnetic Earth Studios, Pool, Cornwall.

Don’t you find the miracle of growth amazing? … And that’s exactly what the Yellow Seed wavespell in The Tzolkin – The Mayan Sacred Calendar represents for us over the next thirteen days, the energy that is the living essence of potential that surrounds us in nature and lives within us.

Potential is the wellspring of opportunity that resides in all of us. Many of us don’t even know our full potential until we push ourselves out of comfort zone and try. How often do we procrastinate that we can’t do something because we don’t have the skill set? Or begin something whilst already anticipating that it might fail? Think about it; if writing our own name in school at the age of five had depended on perfect penmanship, none of us would ever have picked up a pencil in the first place. We begin, we practise, we develop and we become adept. It is true for anything in life – even the realm of our own self-awareness. Unless we are prepared to take a good look around inside and weed out the negative conditioning that stops us from even taking those first baby steps – then how can we develop perception and insight about ourselves; how can we grow?

Seed reminds us that manifestation from first planting follows a natural order. A sprouted seed grows towards the light, manoeuvring and navigating itself around and through the hard soil and every obstacle strewn along its path… in order to reach the light. The seed has no idea when it begins its journey of the beautiful flower it will become. Is this not true of ourselves and our own spiritual growth?

Have you any idea of the potential inside you and what you are capable of becoming?

In a way the earth has been going through its own ‘dark night of the soul’ in order to make room for more light. After the dark days of the last year or more, we are all re-weaving our intentions towards this precious earth and discovering how we can make a softer imprint and live more lightly and harmoniously as a collective. Rumi the famous Persian poet said;

“What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.”

In this wavespell and in the potency of seed, consider what it is you are aiming towards, what goal or long- held dream. Networking is well starred for these next 13 days, meeting people of significance, linking others up and making connections that will serve your long-term growth. Maybe the past year has forced you into a situation where you have had to make a career detour, re-train and begin again. I speak to many people who are disillusioned with their career choices but they are unwilling to take the plunge into something new. Granted, it requires a leap of faith; but by following your passion, by planting the seeds of desire in something that makes your heart sing… roots will grow. And you find purpose and meaning in expressing the joy of who you truly are.

Our world is being re-born and in order for that to happen, we must die to our old ways. Humanity is at choice point; we are awake and change is sizzling below the surface. But just as a pearl forms from a grain of sand, so the seed must sprout from its new beginnings and like anything worth waiting for, it takes, patience, trust, nurture and understanding.

I recently heard a shocking statistic… that there used to be 6 trillion trees upon this planet and now are less than three trillion, that’s half of what was/ and is one of our most fundamental resources. Most of us are only too acutely aware of how important trees are in benefiting the environment. Many of us gaze at this bounteous gift from nature. But with that statistic now a profound statement of fact, it is heartening to know of the thousands upon thousands of ‘Tree Planting Projects’ all around the globe that are leading the way for a more sustainable future.

That seems like a good focus of any spare time we might have over the next thirteen days; ‘how can we get involved in such projects?’ ‘What can I plant in my own back yard?’ and ‘how can we put back some of what we have taken from the earth?


Whatever the focus of your target is, intend it for your own and the earth’s highest possible good. Set the intention, plants the seeds of your new vision or dream, feed and nurture them… and watch them grow.

“Seed thoughts of peace, moistened by love, tilled by right action, weeds of discord pulled by diligent action. The harvest shall be abundant joy sustaining future generations.” Dhyani Ywahoo


Happy Seed Wavespell!


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