Mayan Wall Art by Jacky @ Magnetic Earth Studios, Pool, Cornwall.
This wavespell is very close to my heart as it’s my personal wave and ‘Galactic Birthday’ and the name I gave to my abundance project, Magnetic Earth Studios, Crystal & Gift shop in Pool, Cornwall!
Wavespells are all about being presented with our wider purpose in the outside world and there is no better time than the next thirteen days to be awake and aware to what the universe will reveal to you through ‘perfectly timed’ signs and synchronicities, that take you a step closer to your life purpose.
Carl Jung called these moments ‘meaningful coincidences’, the idea of two or more random events coming together ‘in synch’, underlining the importance and significance of such events and giving you the gratifying reassurance that all things are connected. As a Red Earth sign, my own life has been littered with ‘meaningful coincidences’ and I always view them as nothing short of miraculous! The Red Earth represents the synergistic workings of destiny, the energy that attracts people, places and situations to you with a shared theme or intent. However you wish to look at synchronistic experiences, know that these magical moments are a gift from the universe and delight in their impeccable timing!
The Red Earth (Kab’an) invites us to dive deep into the knowledge of our own evolution. You may find yourself compelled to learn more about the evolution of our consciousness, how we got here, why specifically we have incarnated at this time and the complex and intriguing journeys our souls have taken. These are the ‘big’ questions in life and the Red Earth wavespell offers us the timing and the ability to ‘clue track’ and navigate our way forward into understanding our own soul’s progression. It allows us to ask the questions and listen with patience and to do so with the inquisitiveness and openness of the divine child.
Associated with the colour Red and so named after the ‘spiritually advanced’ Red Root Race that appeared in Asia over a million years ago, Kab’an is also a reminder of the blood that pumps through our veins; of the burnt sienna’s, the red ochres and the terracotta rose colours that litter our earthly landscape and those we have come to associate with the rich, vibrant palette of the earth.
As Kab’an is an ‘active’ and ‘initiating’ energy, not only is this is a great time to kick start a new project that has been lain in the planning phase for a while, but it’s also a perfect time to participate in any form of ancestral, shamanic or ritualised dance; movement that really shakes the ‘core’ and lets our bodies connect physically and emotionally with the earth…And by not so strange synchronicity I have signed up for a Bollywood dance class on Thursday, the day the wave begins! I simply can’t wait!
Take a look at the image for a moment… the coiled like serpent, a reminder of the kundalini energy, the divine energy that moves up and down the spine and determines the very nature of our vibration and consciousness. In this next thirteen days, know that you are the awakening presence on the earth. Like a poet enthralled with the beauty of a rapturous and magnificent forest, re-form and develop your relationship with your natural surroundings. Stay centred and rooted in the ‘here and now’, walk barefoot upon the earth and give thanks for all she provides. Feel the Earth’s magnetic pull and harmonise with the frequency of her heart. Crystals, tuning forks and crystal singing bowls are the perfect spiritual tools to align yourself with the earth’s frequencies and offer stabilizing and harmonising support.
Above all, recognise that the present moment holds the power and that in this moment every single one of us carries the frequency and potential of joy, hope, peace and unconditional love.
To close a Red Earth Wavespell, I will leave you with the familiar words and ecological message from Chief Seattle,
“This we know. The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”
Happy Red Earth Wavespell! (oh and pay attention to Rainbows during this time!)

During this wave, work with the vibrant ‘earth – coloured’ stones & crystals offered in Raspberry Aventurine; Mookaite; Hematoid Quartz; Poppy Jasper; Picture Jasper; Carnelian and Aragonite.
Jacky has for many years been captivated by the power and knowledge of the Mayan sacred calendar to awaken us to our true selves. As the Red Magnetic Earth, she is aware that her purpose in this planetary incarnation is to awaken those energies in others and assist with the holding and grounding of the new frequencies here on planet earth.