Yesterday we began a White Mirror Wavespell in the Mayan Sacred Calendar, a thirteen day ‘wave’ in The Tzolkin that will last until the 23rd April. Wavespells tend to reveal your ‘wider purpose’ in the outside world, so this is an interesting time to get tough with yourself and make those necessary changes that are needed to push your growth edges in order to become all that you are capable of becoming!
To the Maya, the White Mirror represented ‘Flint’ – a hard stone used for sharpening tools and making spear heads that were then used as weapons. As such the Mirror calls for some courageous self-examination and reflection on various aspects of your life. Maybe there is some dead wood you need to cut away? Mirror asks you to face your own reflection and see the truth about yourself. Past issues may need your attention to clear them away from your energy field. Think about it for a moment, the mirror can only reflect what is, whether truth, beauty or illusion. This wave might be the perfect opportunity and time to simply clear the clutter from your personal space; when you de-clutter your environment, it has a liberating effect on the mind too!
This self-examination may bring up an ‘issue’ you thought you had dealt with and one that keeps popping back up and creating havoc in your life. You will know when that happens; it’s that sudden awareness of; “Why is this happening to me again, I thought I had dealt with this and put it behind me?” Well, that is telling you there is a residue, maybe some unfinished business, some forgiveness (of the self or another) that needs addressing, or an emotional response that needs facing and transmuting. This Wavespell asks – no actually demands! Deal with it! Your life will flow much better and when you clear away the past – you make way for the new to come in.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping is an extremely potent method to release past conditioning and release anxiety over what you may think are insurmountable problems. I can say from first-hand experience this technique works. I have been regularly tapping for strengthening the immune system throughout the lockdown period and can feel the effects energetically. It’s worth a go – Kate (Certified EFT Practitioner) kindly incorporated the tapping points with a great explanation in the ‘Good Vibrations Tool kit’ section on this Blog, it’s free, so have a go!!
On a global level, the Mirror wave carries a strong and powerful message for humanity. How we perceive the world and our experience within it is a direct reflection of the emotional repertoire and contents of our own psyche – when we ‘clean up’ our minds, what we reflect ‘out there’ carries a different picture. It was the Jungian Scholar Paul Levy who said; “The Universe is a divine inkblot. We are the source of meaning of this inkblot. The universe is very malleable, and the way that we interpret this Universe has a creative potency on how the Universe manifests”.
On a Collective level, the mirror will force truth to the surface…Going forward there can be no more hiding behind illusions, falsehoods and distortions, the mirror reveals all. “That’s a good thing!” I can hear you saying. Equally, in a sense the Mirror knows in this holographic universe, that there are no fixed absolutes, in the mystical order of the whole, there is polarity, every opinion is valid, every theory, subjectively true. What matters is intention… When we intend from a place of love, integrity and compassion, we affect change in the very structure of our reality and in turn the reality of the planet as a whole.
In this wavespell, if you find yourself over-reacting to something or feeling strong emotions such as frustration, anger, fear or judgement, stop and feel how you might be projecting these issues into the outside world. The world is the mirror for you to truly see, this wavespell is an opportunity to clear the shadow and step into the light.
Here is a Mirror Meditation for you to try in your own time. Or it can be carried out facing an actual mirror! Which is highly effective too.
Find a quiet place to relax and breathe deeply, following the breath, flowing through the spine to its base … and returning to the crown of the head, as you exhale… more and more deeply. Continue to follow your breath to find that depth of trance you desire.
Allowing all the tension now just to melt away by the breathing. Just as if the breath goes to that area that is a little bit tense right now, softens it… melts it away.
And so in this quiet space now… find yourself standing before The Great Mirror of Truth. Only this moment matters … a defining moment, within this eternal present, this point of power. For the mirror cannot lie… the mirror reveals a minutely faithful representation of our external appearance … and yet it also reveals you in your essence … the essence of who you truly are.
And so finding your gaze fixed now… soft, but intense … the mirror, a clear, reflective, shining surface… presenting an image back to you as clear and calm as looking into a crystal clear, tranquil lake, reflecting back…
The image you see will not come from your conscious expectations, rather from the deep well of your unconscious mind…
See the essence of who you truly are… clear, balanced, open-hearted. Owning your own changed pattern of perception… owning the distortions… the character traits that lie in the shadows, waiting to be acknowledged… waiting to be embraced… waiting to be loved back to wholeness.
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Gaze deeply into your own eyes in the mirror, what past experiences does the soul want to explore in this moment? Watch the illusion of time fade away … and all that limits you fall away…
Imagine stepping right in to the sparkling mirror now.
Explore now, feeling the exhilaration gained in new experiences, new ideas, new concepts… knowing your part in the cosmic order… and finding freedom in your endlessness…
Explore in safety, knowing you can return any time you wish…
‘Happy Mirror Wavespell’

The Mayan Tiles and all of the Crystals in the photograph can be purchased from my shop: Magnetic Earth Studios, Pool, Cornwall, as well as from the website.