Mayan insight for a New Wavespell
‘Harmonize’ Image by Ariel Spilsbury from the Mayan Oracle card deck.
As the sun moved into Aries yesterday, it heralded the start of a new astrological year at the precise time the Gregorian time clock sprung forward, announcing brighter and warmer days to come. Today in the Tzolkin, the Mayan Sacred calendar, we begin a new ‘Serpent’ wavespell, representing a 13 day period of vitality, motivation, purification, integration and instinct.
Whilst none of us chose the events of the past year, now that we have come thus far as a collective, we must choose to re-address and change our relationship for the better with the planet and with each other, in order to ensure the survival of both.
Many of us have had our lives turned upside down through isolation, mental ill health and even faced family bereavement. Others have begun fitness regimes and sought new coping mechanisms as a way forward to better health. We have witnessed the ‘local heroes’, delivering essentials to those in need and many others around the globe performing unbelievable acts of selflessness. For some of us, it has meant job losses and the re-evaluation of careers and finding new and innovative ways to create income. Each and every one of us affected in some way, our lives and our ‘external world’ irrevocably changed.
So what have we learned?
It was the Persian Poet Rumi who said; “The wound is the place where the light enters you”.
The light has brought much of our collective shadow to the forefront. The uneven toll of the pandemic has shone a spotlight on much graver issues such as inequality; social injustice and the systemic racism in our society, issues that can no longer be ignored, left in the shadows and turned a blind eye to.
Look at the image on the card…
An equidistant cross within a circle, (an ancient Gnostic symbol) depicting the upper and lower realms of our world, sits within a larger golden disc or shield. Above the symbol, the Wings of Isis outstretched and guarding protectively all those who have entered the heavenly realm; whilst the pyramid - like stone structure rises from the earth to arrive at the central point, where the cross meets. The point where spirit meets matter and becomes one. The point where everything is seen… everything is known.
Two Triskelions flank the right and left sides of the larger golden disc. As a modern symbol for humanity, the Triskelion can inspire revolution or symbolize the progress man has made. Esoterically, this symbol has always been associated with the Holy Trinity and the eternal existence of the soul.
A goddess – like human figure mirrors Isis’s outstretched wings with her outstretched arms, a rainbow cascade of colour, falls from her radiant garment as she stands behind the golden disc of light that shields her protectively and guards her ‘essence’.
What is this image teaching us?
That despite everything in our external world being thrown into a state of flux and chaos, despite untold damage and destruction unfolding in the madness around us … still, still if we take the time to stop, press the pause button and turn our focus ‘inwards’ – nothing, absolutely nothing on God’s earth can take away our essence, our light…our soul.
I find it interesting looking at the image in this card and thinking back to my developmental groups (pre-covid), that one of the first things I would teach about ‘spiritual hygiene’, is to place a ‘solar disc’ at the lower three ‘emotional’ centres. The purpose of this, to filter out the external noise and guard against our wires becoming jangled with others. Visualizing a solar disc at the solar plexus, sacral and root centre, is not only stabilizing and protective, but filters out all that may be harmful and hurtful to our body’s energy system.
Moving forward into the new wave…
As we slowly emerge, Serpent asks us to shed the skins of the past and step into the fire of alchemical transmutation. The harmonic wisdom of Serpent energy in musical terms engages with the harmony of the fifth chord, which contains the paradox of resolution and the point of departure. In order to complete a growth stage in our lives we have to resolve and integrate what we have learned, otherwise how do we every mature and evolve?
Serpent is the primal, ancient energy that teaches us about intimacy and that the most important intimate relationship we will ever have, is with ourselves.
Over the next thirteen days, take time to pause and reflect, learn to be still and know when to move into action, value yourself enough to rest and revitalise. Let your body wisdom sense what it needs. Place a golden shield around your energy field and guard your light.
Life as we knew it is no longer… we are all headed down a different trajectory… and I for one firmly believe that that trajectory is headed towards the light.
Namaste & Blessings in a Serpent Wave,
This wavespell, use the light of the sun's energy to work with the vibrant golden/yellow crystals and stones... to uplift and re-vitalize! All of the crystals featured in the photo can be obtained directly from the website and from Magnetic Earth Studios (shop) in Pool, Cornwall.
