Hand painted Mayan Artistry available from Magnetic Earth Studios, Pool, Cornwall.
We only have to look in the outside world to see how far the path of the mind has separated from the path of the heart. On a psychological level for the Earth, the intensification continues, drawing us in ever deeper, for we are part of the earth, part of the inseparable whole. As it reaches a crescendo, it pushes every outmoded belief system, every distortion, every prejudice, every judgment, every lie, every illusion, every negative aspect of our unenlightened human history to the surface. Humanity is ‘Waking Up’…and every single one of us who has chosen to participate in this transformation will feel this intensity even more acutely over the next 13 day wavespell, taking us to right up to 5th May.
Time is speeding up…time is collapsing. Have you not noticed how short a day feels now? The Schumann resonance has been a way of measuring the pulse or heartbeat of the earth. These measurements fluctuate, but at the point when we reach 13 cycles per second, we arrive at zero- point magnetic field. Initiates in ancient civilizations were placed in special chambers to bring them to a place of zero point magnetics, so they could experience and prepare for what the world is going through right now. Decreasing planetary magnetics and increased planetary frequencies give us an opportunity for rapid growth and transformation. Many of us are feeling this in our bodies, like energetic waves and shifts, right down to our core, right down to a cellular level. The Maya knew all this.
Our emotional bodies are linked magnetically to the earth and it is time to cast off all of those beliefs and behaviours that longer fit with the new paradigm on earth. The Maya said; “Whoever owns your time, owns your mind”. Slaves to the watch and controlled by the media, we have watched so often as ‘the powers that be’ have created problems on a mass scale and then stepped in with a solution and like ‘sheople’ we have followed…
It’s time to step outside the box! … and commit to creating and making the world you want to live in.
Right now we are travelling through the twenty day journey known as the ‘Mystic Spine’, and in the next wave (24th April) we arrive at the exact centre, the middle of the middle and the Blue Magnetic Monkey. It’s the place when the Maya knew we were closer to Source, Hunab’Ku or God, the place where the veil is at its thinnest, a central position from which to co-create our new reality.
The Blue Monkey reminds us that we are all cosmic children at heart and this earth, this planet is our magical playground. The Mayan calendar is literally syncho-destiny at work and this energy for the next thirteen days will throw synchronistic events and cosmic detours in your path; literally messages about your direction and purpose in life. Absolutely everything you need to work on, change and conquer in this lifetime is already staring you right in the face. You have created it! You are living it!
Not what you want?
Then use this next wavespell to ‘see through the illusion’ and create from within the magical playground that this earth was meant to be!
Martin Luther King said; “Darkness cannot drive out darkness…only light can do that”.
We have been experiencing of late some pretty high voltage energy pouring onto this planet through various gateways activated by eclipses and some extra-ordinary astrological configurations. As this energy moves through these gateways, it becomes cemented in the earth…gathering and becoming part and parcel of every element on the planet, reaching the core – the very centre and reflecting back towards the surface, becoming part of the universal grid.
Use this energy!
Monkey energy brings to the surface and shines a light on all those muddy places where illusion has been masquerading as ‘apparent reality’. That’s a pretty serious and despondent state to be locked into. Monkey energy will dissolve rigidity and control, its message tells us to ‘lighten up’, literally. Use the light to remain in a state of open-heartedness, trust and innocence and be like the joyful, spontaneous, magical child you are in your heart of hearts. Most of us spend our lives protecting that child, building impenetrable walls around ourselves, when in truth that part of us needs to express and radiate out from our soul. It is the essence of who we truly are and is full of wonder and magic.
In this next wavespell, find time to create in every sense of the word. Find your medium, but play, dance, draw and utilise the creative power of sound. Be outside and connect with nature. Consciously make time to do these things and allow yourself to express through whichever medium draws you. Your natural, innate intuitiveness will begin to flow through in the magic of creative expression. It is only in this place that we have those ‘breakthrough moments’, the insights that give way to both personal and planetary insights.
To make the most of the Monkey wave.
Commit to some or all of these things:
What does that look like?
Write it down, (draw pictures, images or symbols to re-inforce if you wish) – just list every single detail of how that future would look to you.
From a quiet place and taking your awareness into the heart, read it out loud, imagine how it would feel to have a future like that. Read it from the very depths of your soul.
Place the image of your fabulous future in a golden bubble of light; see the bubble containing and infusing it with light. Blow the bubble so it is outside your auric field.
Blow it till you can see it dancing in the ether, a projection, like a hologram, of your perfect life.
Release and let go.
Reinforce daily by taking your attention to it and reminding yourself of all of the components that make you future happier, more secure and more fitting of Who You Truly Are!
Happy Magical Monkey Wavespell!
During this wave, work with the Blue/Indigo stones for accessing your intuition and inner guidance.
