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The Weaver/Dreamer – Insight from the 13 Moon Oracle Cards


Insight: I dream I Connect

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The Weaver/Dreamer card from the 13 Moon Oracle deck by Ariel Spilsbury.

So what is this card teaching us?

It reminds us all that we are the ‘conscious dreamers’ weaving our life into reality. We are all witnessing how ‘connectivity’ is bringing the world together in ways we never imagined possible. Of course not all aspects of our lives have been able to ‘shift’ onto online activity, but nevertheless many businesses, schools though digital learning, entertainment, even our ability through ‘skype’ or zoom networks to ‘keep fit’ have taken advantage of reaching an audience through online networking. Those ahead of the game when it came to digital networking have shot their organisations in to the ‘stratosphere!’

Even in isolation some semblance of normality shines through as a result of this ‘connectivity’ that we have accomplished… And in many cases has encouraged feats of startling creativity and innovative ideas that may not under normal circumstances, have found their way into our lives.

It’s refreshing… and at the same time offers us an opportunity to view our lives as though we are looking through the zoom lens of a camera. This increases our awareness as to the ‘connections’, the synchronicities and meaningful coincidences that otherwise might have gone overlooked. Pay attention to your dreams at this time too, they are subconscious and powerful prompts sending you messages that might otherwise have been ignored.

If you look closely at the image of the card, it depicts the ‘cosmic web’ like a gigantic spider’s web, initiated by the weaver in the foreground of the picture. Instinctively too I do feel it represents the ‘net’ that we have all been helping to create in the Visualisation to combat the virus. We weave and it builds… ‘As above, So below’.

Ariel Spilsbury says; “Notice in your daily life, what and who it is that you are connecting. That observation leads to noticing larger mythic patterns unfolding”.

If this card flags up for you a sticky web of entanglements in your life right now that you would rather ‘untangle’ in this moment, then do so. Let every action, communication and interaction reflect your utmost integrity. “Integrity is a vulnerability that disguises nothing”. Like having a lucid dream, prompt yourself to be ‘awake’ at this time and see exactly what it is you are weaving in your life.

We may feel sometimes as though we are all under the microscope and that our lives have become more ‘visible’ than ever to the powers that be… but this is an opportunity to put your own life under the microscope and make those connections and create those opportunities that make your life better and in turn enhance your own happiness.

Happy weaving!

Blessings, Jacky.

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