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The War In The Skies


By Kate

Jacky and I have been great friends for many, many years. There have been times in our friendship when we have been in complete synchronisation when it comes to insights about certain events. This month has been one of those times. 

During the early weeks of February, I began to sense where we may be headed with this virus. I felt compelled to call on the ‘Spirit of Albion’ to protect our country and its people. I did this regularly at night, before falling asleep. I didn’t tell anyone, because ‘ Oh, by the way, I was calling on the ancient guardians of our country to protect us‘ doesn’t easily slip into a conversation about that ‘horrible Geoff’ in Coronation Street.

At the beginning of March, during one of our marathon telephone conversations, Jacky casually mentioned that a ‘visitor’ had appeared during her development circle. The group meditation had focused on Glastonbury as the earth’s heart chakra and had followed a casual conversation about the virus. 

Jacky described her ‘visitor’ to me and I said ‘It’s connected to Albion, William Blake, and the hymn ‘Jerusalem!’. After five minutes of reassuring her that I wasn’t talking about West Bromwich Albion, I explained who I had been calling on each night. After a long discussion, Jacky decided that the next guided group meditation would focus on Glastonbury and an urgent call for protection for ‘Albion’. 

Two hours later, my husband prised the phone from my hand, so I decided to to use my digital Library Angel to search for ‘clues’ about what we may be tapping in to.

(In the book The Roots of Coincidence, Arthur Koestler uses the term ‘Library Angel’ to explain meaningful coincidences in which the right book or reference suddenly presents itself.) 

My digital Library Angel uses google instead of books and I imagine him looking like Chris Hemsworth (as the character Thor), just because I can.

Thor didn’t disappoint and led me straight to articles about Dion Fortune and Glastonbury. I knew nothing about her and when I came across references to Dion and ‘The Magical Battle of Britain’, I was stunned. I sent Jacky a message about her upcoming group meditation:

“Did you know that Dion Fortune did a similar thing to protect the UK and the World when WWII started? And she lived in Glastonbury”

She replied, “Who is Dion Fortune?”

From my point of view, it felt as though some ancient form of The Avengers had heard a distress call from the people of Britain (and beyond) and was reopening a ‘helpline’; reopening a spiritual defence system that has been deployed in times of past national crises. A system that Dion Fortune had fortified and strengthened during World War II.

Dion had asked people beyond her normal group to take part in her weekly visualisations to defend Britain against the Nazis. Jacky and I felt we needed to do the same against this virus. So the ‘call’ went out via this blog to use Jacky’s Meditation to defeat the virus and within a few days we had wonderful people from all over the world taking up that call.

When I start to question my sanity, I wait for confirmation via my Library Angel or other synchronicities.

Today, I took advantage of the sunshine and meditated in my garden. I received the clear impression that Dion is still there ‘in some form’.

Later, I came across an article here . I have highlighted in bold the sentences that confirmed for me that we’re on the right track:

“Both Dion Fortune and Tolkien were influenced by the three strands of the Arthurian Legends, Christian Mysticism, and the Elemental significance of the Earth. Both were perfectly conscious of a spiritual task: Tolkien said that he wanted to be a great instrument in God’s hands: “to be granted a spark of fire to rekindle an old light in the world.”

“In her War letters, Dion Fortune’s purpose was to strengthen the National Mind to withstand the assault of Hitler’s Germany, but also to re-stimulate the archetypes that were to shape post-war social change and reconstruction, what she called: “…a new spirit in the heart of the race.” A phrase very close to Tolkien’s. She describes the link between the deeper, stable Group Soul and the more superficial Group Mind which is more easily influenced by outer circumstance, and set out to open the channel between the spiritual influences governing our land and the Group Mind of the race.”

She explicitly linked this with the turbulence associated with the change from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Now, these transitions do not complete in a short few years, and we can safely say that this turbulence is still with us. And that is one of the reasons I think, that Dion Fortune is still so active from the inner. The War Letters are packed with gems that help us address the challenges of our time. One such gem leapt out at me when I was preparing this piece: “The Aquarian Age develops in the element of Air. It is in the air that the keys are to be sought…The war will be fought and won in the realms of the air and of the mind – that meaning in the sphere of morale.”

I know in my heart that we are on the right track…

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