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The Seven Sentinels


For the past seven years I have taught and facilitated a developmental group called The Seven Sentinels, the aim of which, through various esoteric disciplines and practices, is to consciously work towards enlightenment. This road once embarked upon attracts many harsh tests, those that are necessary in order to pave the way for the birth of a new personality.

Personal growth requires courage, dedication and a wiliness to change and our aim is always to ‘seek the light within’. Once undertaken the spiritual path offers rewards so enormous and spellbinding, they are beyond our wildest imaginings…

I facilitate each weekly ‘developmental’ session through her own personally written ‘Meditations’, using repetition, metaphor and creative imagery. Through psychic reception, I have the ability to see into the Akasha, to pierce the veil of the illusory world we think we are a part of…

Over the last few months these sessions have taken an unexpected and timely turn towards ‘psychic questing’ – a term devised by Andrew Collins:

‘…using intuitively inspired thoughts and information for creative purposes, be it the exploration of history, the search for hidden artefacts or simply the quest for enlightenment’

The quest can begin with a feeling, an intuition or compulsion, a vivid dream or even a vision which will send the person on a ‘quest’ – a voyage of discovery, which usually involves following the ‘leads’ from the dreams/visions, uncovering ‘clues’, meditation with others, the checking of historical facts, people, places and documents, which will ultimately lead you to the ‘Guardian’ spirit of a sacred spot, who will provide information to the seeker to go on to the next level of the quest”

However, psychic questing does not have to involve outside exploration. It can simply revolve around archive research or just further magical or psychic experiments which all help the quester to gain a better idea of what they need to know.

Developmental Circle: 3rd March 2020. ‘The Visitor with a Message’.

Archetypes have existed within the rich tapestry of the psyche for aeons. At this important time of planetary Ascension, highly evolved spiritual identities who no longer exist on the earth plane, can be ‘tapped into’ through an opening of consciousness, thus invoking the frequency of the being… and often bringing with them a resonance of their guidance and wisdom. Such an occurrence happened on Tuesday 3rd March. I ‘tuned in’ to the Archetype of Saul The Apostle, through a meditation I had written and was ‘leading’…

Here is an extract from the meditation:

Just like the Eagle, you can take flight…stretching those huge wings of yours, a light breeze at your back propelling you on…your vision sharply capturing every detail from up on high.

Even though there is an ethereal like mist that hangs hammock like beneath a blanket of white billowing clouds, you can still see up ahead in the distance the rolling hills of the West Country and Somerset. And from its summit, surrounded by the swirling mists of Avalon, dotted with patches of green, the naturally formed conical shape of the Tor, 500 feet in height, looms into view. Once an old medieval monastery, the Tor, known as the Isle of Glass, can be seen for miles and miles in every direction.

You circle the Somerset flatlands, the moors and the hillsides and remember its Neolithic history. You hover over the watery marshes and the terraces as you take in this enchanting spectacle of Glastonbury Tor, once a resting place to many pilgrims on their journey to the Holy Land…

For this is the home of The Holy Grail and a place of spiritual alchemy and one that holds deep significance for humankind. And it begins to resonate with you at a heart level … for this whole area comprises the Heart Chakra of the Earth and perhaps offers the greatest contribution to ourselves and our fellow sentient beings on this planet…” Continues…

It’s a familiar story to many of us that Saul of Tarsus was travelling to Damascus to rail against the Christians when a blazing light from heaven flashed around him, filling him with a miraculous and overwhelming conversion. From that point on preaching the message of Jesus became his sole purpose in life.

There is a strong suggestion that Jesus visited Britain and quite possibly Glastonbury, along with his mentor Joseph of Arimathea and myth suggests that he may have been accompanied by some of his Apostles, quite possibly, Saul the Apostle (known then as Paul).

Two of the ladies in the group had also independently picked up on ‘our visitor’ during the meditation.

Clearly the pieces of the puzzle were coming together and there was a message that evening that couldn’t be ignored!

In the week that followed, 3rd to 10th March, the signs and synchronicities kept flooding in to Jacky’s awareness. Kate, My co-researcher for my book, strongly felt there was a connection to William Blake… to the words of the inspiring and uplifting hymn ‘Jerusalem’ and to the myths surrounding Glastonbury and the Holy Grail.

In Geoffrey Ashe’s ‘Encyclopaedia of Prophecy, he says of William Blake; “In his vast final work Jerusalem (not the short poem often called so) composed during the period from 1804 – 1820, he brings his mythology to a focus in the figure of Albion. Albion is the earliest name of Britain. Blake’s Albion stands for Britain but also humanity as a whole”.

The message was to do with Albion! It was crystal clear! It was to do with the protection of Britain and its inhabitants and the “Apocalyptic climax” that Blake alluded to in his work…. And the certain crisis we now face in the accelerating threat of Covid – 19

Certainly Britain is in crisis right now, facing an uncertain future in the form of a virulent threat to the health and well- being of our population, the strain on our health care systems … and indeed the world as a whole. On top of that many many people are feeling the anxiety and alarm that follows such a media driven event.

So what could we as The Seven Sentinels do faced with such a tour de force?

Kate mentioned the name Dion Fortune. I hadn’t heard of her until last week…

Dion Fortune (real name Violet Mary Firth) was born on 6 December 1890 and died on 8th January 1946. She was a British occultist, ceremonial magician, novelist and author. She is best remembered for her work during the outbreak of WWII when she organised her own contribution to the war effort in the form of ceremonial magic and creative meditations, even throughout the Blitz… in order to protect her beloved Britain. See article here:

At 5.45am on 6th March, in that half -awake, half asleep state of mind, it came to me… A Visualisation so strong that I instantly drew it, grounded it and knew I could use it in our developmental circle as a way of offering some assistance to the current situation.

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