Hand-made Mayan Artistry by Jacky A Blakeway @ Magnetic Earth Studios
Every year the Mayan Sacred calendar begins on the 26th July at the exact point when the Earth, the Sun and Sirius are in galactic alignment. The calendar is built literally upon the synchronistic order of the universe. The Ancients knew this and as such lived in peace and harmony with the land.
On Sunday July 26th 2020, we move into the year of The Blue Lunar Storm in the earth’s natural cycle, in accordance with the Mayan Sacred calendar. This energy will dominate the cosmic scene for the whole year up to and including the 24th July 2021.
Hang on to your hats everyone because we are literally in for one hell of a ride!!
Storm energy sweeps through our lives literally purging everything that pertains to our old conditioning; all our outmoded perceptions of ourselves that haven’t worked for us in the past and have blocked us from achieving and becoming all that we are capable of becoming. It’s an opportunity, a veritable ‘catalyst for change’ asking us to own our fears and our old conditioning… and to let go of it.
I keep hearing over the last few weeks from people, “it’s so good to return to ‘normality”. Or from others I hear the phrase ‘the new normal’, in reference to the post lockdown period.
What on earth does that mean? I suspect a ‘return to normality’ in some people’s minds means a return to a world free of a deadly virus and one we are finally able to meet and greet our family and friends properly, move around freely without the constraints of socially distancing or mask wearing. Who would not want that in our world?
But if we believe for a nano second that the way human beings were operating in this world, the way we were behaving towards each other and our precious earth before all of this happened, then we are very much misguided that that was anything but normal!
Chief Seattle, the Suquamish Chief once gave us this profound truth:
“This we know: the earth does not belong to man – man belongs to the earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood that unites one’s family. All things are connected.”
No, we don’t own the earth. As a species we are indeed privileged to know and experience this planet and every sentient being that lives upon it and if the last few months have taught us anything, it is that our time here on planet earth is precious and should be cherished. A reality check is what WE ALL needed.
In some ways, I welcome the presence of the new Storm energy; Storm takes no prisoners. Think of an expression of nature that is so strong and fierce that it can destroy whole cities in its wake… that is the potential of Storm. I prefer to see it as a ‘significant portent for change’.
Ask yourself in the post lockdown period; “What have I learned?” “What are my new priorities and what matters above all things?” “What is my relationship to the natural world and how can I improve upon that?”
Look deep inside yourself; what needs to change in order to fulfil the direction you now want your life to go in?
The Blue Lunar Storm brings with it such powerful ‘catalytic’ energy that the breaking down of old ways of being are inevitable. It will push us, test us and transform us, both individually and collectively, to the point where you may feel overwhelmed and not sure about anything anymore.
And that is okay.
Because in the cosmic plan unfolding, it is important to remember that ‘breaking down’ is also about ‘breaking through’. Every action in this current time should be about purifying and cleansing. In ancient Mayan communities, those carrying Storm energy within their energetic make-up were considered ‘ the tunderbeings’ of the tribe, the natural healers, they were sought out for their gifts. 2020 – 2021 will be all about healing. We have reached the ‘wall edges’ of who we know ourselves to be and we need to welcome in change with open arms. 2020 – 20121 and the year of the storm is an opportunity to rethink how we care, how we relate and how we live.
Ii is only in shaking up the old, that we can do an inventory of what isn’t working, press the reset button and welcome in the new… Storm will go a long way to accomplish that!
Happy Storm Year!

Work with the Purple stones in a Storm year. Purple Muscovite; Amethyst; Sugilite and Amethyst Chevron… as agents of change and transformation.
Jacky has been a teacher of the Mayan calendar for over 20 years. She brings the calendar to life in her ancestral collection of Mayan Artistry and hand – made wall tiles enriched with the symbolism and colours of these ancient artefacts. Living by an illogical template of uneven months and days and a mechanized calendar leaves most of us feeling overwhelmed at the end of the day and crying “there aren’t enough hours to accomplish what I need to do!” That’s because a mechanized calendar doesn’t fit in with who we are in essence, at the very core of our being. It is at that core that we understand that time is not linear and that we long for a reconnection to the natural cycles of the universe…. To nature herself.
It was the late great Jose Arguelles said “Whosoever owns your time, owns your mind”. When we live life in ‘synch’ with nature, as Jose puts it; “Time becomes Art”.
Mayan Readings and Mayan Cosmology workshops available from Magnetic Earth Studios.
