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The Call Goes Out – Global ‘Tune In’ 8pm Tuesday 7th April


Tarot Guidance

On 6th April I drew the cards of The King of Swords and The Star from the traditional Tarot deck in answer to the question; “following the lockdown, where are we now moving to in this crisis?”

The King of Swords combines Air (intellect) with Fire (instinct). The King of Swords appearance suggests ‘severity’ in ruler ship and we have seen this in what the Prime minister has described as the ‘mission critical’ since social restrictions were placed upon us, following the lockdown on 23rd March.



The grey clouds are gathering and a fierce wind blows them our way, we cannot avoid this next phase, we dare not delude ourselves, this is going to be tough for all of us! As the Prime minister put it;

“Without a huge national effort to halt the growth of this virus, there will come a moment when no health service in the world could possibly cope.”

This is a time for clear-headedness, no matter what the provocations or restrictions placed upon us. Humanity must apply self-control through this next phase, if we are to get through as a collective.

The Star reminds us of our own mortality, notice it is a mortal, not an Archangel on the image of the card. We are reminded to live our earthly lives on several different levels of being simultaneously. I like to think of The Star as a ‘destiny’ card and welcome the inspiration, creativity and heavenly forces that this card brings with it.


When we gaze up at the night sky in awe, we are reminded that our great, great, great grand-children in generations to come will be looking at the same stars in the universe… and so this fuels us with hope and positivity.

It would be absurd to deny the existence of suffering and loss that we know in our hearts will occur in the face of this crisis … and our lives may never, ever be the same again. But one thing is for certain, the Star reminds us that once we get through this, we will arrive at a kinder, gentler and unified reality.

Take heart. Stay Safe, stay in… protect those who are caring for us on the front line and let us ride out this next phase together.

Please tune in at 8pm on Tuesday 7th April.


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