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The Call Goes Out!


(Byron Bay, Australia by Tem)

“Hold the vision and Trust the Process”.

That said, the following really is a simple Visualisation that you can do as often as you wish both as part of a group or on your own. In my therapeutic work, sometimes people say to me “but I struggle with trying to visualise things, the pictures simply don’t come”… I then ask them not to think of for example “a large hippopotamus carrying a yellow polka dot umbrella and wearing a purple skirt!” Before you know it, they have the image. Alternatively if you still struggle to visualise (and this is something that was second nature to us as children remember), then I say to the subconscious mind… “Imagine that you can…”

Just try it! You will be helping the current Covid – 19 crisis just with your ‘Intention’…

The Exercise:

Find a quiet spot to do this and one where you are unlikely to be interrupted for a good five minutes. Take a nice deep breath. Quieten your mind and still your breathing.


Imagine yourself standing around a flaming Cauldron on the Isle of Avalon.

The cauldron has existed in the ether since the beginning of time.

For the Isle of Avalon,  you can picture the land mass that is known as Glastonbury Tor, England, considered in esoteric traditions to be the ‘heart chakra of the world’. The cauldron may resemble the shape of the cup of the Holy Grail if that seems easier to you.

Have in your hand a Torch (as yet unlit). Similar to the torches carried by sports men and women at the Olympic Games.

Contemplate the nature and the force of the blazing fire… the flames representing purification, transmutation and unconditional love.

Light your torch from the central cauldron. See the flames grow and flicker.

Say the following Prayer/Invocation either out loud if you feel comfortable or in your mind.

“Beloved Creator and Source of All That Is, we ask you to shine your countenance divine on all human beings that walk upon this Earth. Protect and defend us from the forces of darkness that seek to isolate us through fear. In this confusing and worrying time we ask you to bring peace, clarity and above all calm, into the minds and hearts of every human being”.

See the rising flame of your lighted torch release its sparks of purifying fire into the atmosphere of our planet … watch those sparks multiply and multiply, gathering force and all joining together with others doing the same.

Each tiny spark carries with it the Light of consciousness. Each tiny spark has the power to purify, cleanse and transmute.

Imagine now the sparks all joining together and creating a net of fire (visualise a colossal fishing net here), then see the net gradually descend towards the Earth. As it falls, it devours and consumes the virus in its wake… forever.


See the Earth as a whole surrounded by a strong fortress of golden light, impenetrable… enduring.

Place your flaming torch in the ground so you may use it again at another time… let its flames continue to burn.

Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for participating in this visualisation as a defence against Covid – 19

Remember… “Where thought flows, energy goes!”

Jacky has created a calming audio of this meditation to make it more accessible for individuals and groups:

Since this post went out, the wonderful Jose Miguel Soria, in Spain, has translated the visualisation into Spanish and made an incredibly powerful recording. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, you can follow along and tune into the energy. Listen to it here:

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