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The Blue Magnetic Storm – Insight for a New Wavespell. 16/6/2020


Image taken from ‘An Oracle of Ancient Knowledge’ by Achim Frederic Kiel.

The Mayan Sacred Calendar returns us to natural timing, freeing us from the restrictions of a mechanized clock. When we flow with the natural order of things, time becomes art… synchronicity abounds and we feel ‘at one’ with all of life.

Today we begin a New Wavespell in the calendar – ‘The Blue Magnetic Storm’ which runs for 13 days from 16th to 29th June.

You can’t stop the winds or the rainclouds in a storm, just in the same way that you cannot halt the ebb and flow of the tide. The rain is nature’s way of delivering the much needed rain to replenish the Earth. Funny how as I am writing this, the storm clouds are gathering outside in Cornwall!

Think how it feels to sit ‘in the eye of the storm’. There is an illusion of a sense of calm … The eye is so calm because the strong surface winds that converge towards the centre never reach it. The message then is to stay focused… to stay centred. We must focus on ‘riding out the Storm’…

Sometimes the Mayan communities would fear the appearance of Storm energy and regard it as a mixed blessing. A heavy storm had the potential to decimate the crops and destroy a much needed harvest.

Storm energy can represent a time of ‘great turbulence’… We only have to look in the outside world to see how this turbulence is currently playing out. Amid the threats to human health in the form of the Coronavirus pandemic and the effects of climate change, it seems that vortexes of heightened tension are breaking out in every corner of the globe.

All of these issues, whether we are directly or indirectly affected, are making us challenge the way we think, feel and act in the outside world. Humanity as a ‘collective’ is at a ‘pivotal’ point in history, our treatment of each other and our treatment of the planet has never been more ‘under the microscope’. Change is being called for and sometimes that change takes on radical forms in order to be transformative. The Hopi Indian prophecies forewarned us of the ‘collective shadow’, when we would be brought to a time in our history when we needed to examine our separation from spirit. I have always interpreted this as a directive from our wise ancestors to look hard and close at where we have strayed away from ‘the path of the One heart’. Power, greed, hatred… these are designs of the mind not of the heart and where these have manifested in our world, they only serve to highlight how far away from Love we have strayed.

Despite being a potent force to be reckoned with, Storm energy should by no means be unwelcomed. The ‘breaking down’ of old outworn structures makes way for the new and in a sense a ‘breaking down’ becomes a ‘breaking through’. Storm offers the opportunity for growth and as such is a huge catalyst for change, both in our inner world and our external reality.

Storm energy can release us from the addictions that bind us. If there is something that you need to release, as in a repetitive negative habit or a chemical addiction, there is no better time to release it than this current wavespell. Let the power of Storm sweep it away from your life…. Free yourself!

In Mayan culture, individuals carrying Storm energy in their Galactic signature were considered the Thunderbeings of the community. They were the natural healers and they knew their power. Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, in this 13 day wavespell, look at what needs healing…. Whether it be a physical problem or an emotional issue, address it, get to the heart of it, understand how it affects you and make a commitment to deal with it. Ask yourself; “When did this problem start? What does it relate to? What needs to change in your diet/lifestyle to activate the healing within?”

For those of you interested in the Ascension process and gathering the tools to raise your vibration, this wavespell would be best used undergoing some active ‘lightbody activation’ work, such as ‘Pleiadian lightwork’ or working with the Violet Flame for transmutation and cleansing.

Storm links to the colour purple. Purple fosters the calm stability of Blue and the passionate energy of Red. It is both passive and active and a colour that encourages independence and personal power, as well as being associated with creativity and magic. Think about how the sky turns purple amid a lightning storm! It’s both beautiful and arresting at the same time.

The associated stones for this wave are Sugilite, Fluorite, Tanzanite and Purple Muscovite. Work with these stones in the next 13 days and cultivate a deeper connection to your spiritual side.

Amethyst, Purple Muscovite, Sugilte and Amethyst Chevron. Stones that carry the purple energy wave for transformation, personal power, creativity and magic!

Storm energy is liberating and powerful … it brings the cleansing rains… If you feel moved to, stand in a downpour and feel the energy and purification that comes from it! Let out your wild self and become the master player in your own game!

Happy Storm Wavespell!



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