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Mayan Wisdom for a New Wavespell – The Red Serpent 11/7/2020

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(Card Design by Ariel Splisbury for the Mayan Oracle Card Deck)

Look at the image above for this next 13 day wavespell – does it not stir up for you a remembrance of our ancient ancestral heritage? Must we not learn now from the wisdom of those peaceful and earth loving communities of the past, those who gave back to the land as much as they took out from it? Maybe as a collective, this is the step of the soul that we have all arrived at and been brought to the fore in the light of current circumstances by making us examine our relationship with the earth.

The Mayan Sacred Calendar returns us to natural timing, freeing us from the restrictions of a mechanized clock. When we flow with the natural order of things, time becomes art… synchronicity abounds and we feel ‘at one’ with all of life. This is how the ancients lived…

As we enter the Red Serpent Wave (Chicchan) in the sacred calendar (from 11th July until 24th July), we are reminded that vital life force (chi energy) flows through our bodies in just the same way that blood runs through our veins. This powerful life force, sometimes referred to as Chi, Kundalini energy, Prana is the stuff that fuels our passions, ignites the fire and stirs us into action! Look at the vibrancy of the colours of the card image, deep passionate oranges and reds that we associate with the flames of passion and action!

The symbol for this wave is The Serpent which has historically (and in esoteric traditions) represented wholeness and healing. This next thirteen days asks us to pay attention to our insights, hunches and instincts.

Ask yourself; “What am I passionate about?”  “What do I need to change in my life in order for my desires and passions to be realised?”

When we work on this level, instinctively trusting our intuition and insight, we align our intentions with our Higher Self, we unite body, mind and spirit; life force flows through our chakras clearing blockages and making us feel more alive, more vital.

Trust and pay more attention to your body’s own inner wisdom in this next 13 day wavespell. Does it need to move, dance, run, rest, create, be still… surrender to what your body needs. When we push ourselves too hard, when the body is screaming “but I just want to be still and rest!”, then we create problems for ourselves, it’s like trying to hold back the tide, imagine how tired that would make us feel. So don’t push against the tide, do what your body is telling you to do. It knows…

I have heard many times people cry over the last 3 weeks since I reopened my little crystal shop, “I’ve been so inactive during lockdown, it feels so good to be out, I feel alive again!” Yes it does feel good to be out. The weather is still temperate and it’s a perfect time to take those much needed walks in nature, visit some local parks or simply let out the inner child and ‘play’! Find that balance again and see this period as a re-birth, a way to kick start the body into action and re-create long held dreams.

Stay open to the messages often given to us in dreams or meditation; sensations, colours, images, symbols or shapes, metaphors of the mind that show us a deeper meaning and try to connect with us in our waking thoughts. This is not a wavespell to spend too much time in ‘deep thinking’, it is a time to simply allow and sense what your body and soul really craves… and needs.

Rumi said; “Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you love”, it’s a fitting maxim for this wavespell.

Wishing you a joyful Serpent Wavespell!


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The Red serpent wavespell is associated with the Red and Orange stones; Red Jasper, Carnelian, Red Calcite, Aragonite and Mookaite. The colours that spark awakening and endurance, the colour of molten lava and the fire of purification.

My crystal and gift shop, Magnetic Earth Studios can be found in Pool, Cornwall. It showcase a beautiful variety of polished and rough cut stones, jewellery and carvings. Well worth a visit!

Rekindle the creative fire with an ‘Art, Journaling & Meditation Workshop’. Places are limited due to social distancing. This next one may be full, but they run bi-monthly. Message Jacky for more details.

Art, Journaling & Meditation Part 5
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