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Inspiration from the 13 Moon Oracle – Saturday 27th June

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(Image taken from the 13 Moon Oracle Card deck by Ariel Spilsbury)

There is an amusing story in ancient Native American traditions that the loud and piercing shriek of a Peacock is actually a cry of dismay. He is so busy showing off his feathers, that he forgets how ugly his feet are. Every time he looks down and sees them, he cries in dismay!

In truth, the Peacock with his array of rainbow feathers is the epitome of beauty and in spiritual terms represents honour, self-respect, integrity and grace. Look at the image in the card and see how the Eagle bends to the Peacocks, grace and power.

In drawing this card, ask yourself today; “where am I hiding my light?”

Having a healthy self- respect and pride in your own gifts and talents, how they can be shared and what they can bring to the world is not arrogance or vanity… tempered with humility, it is about owning your uniqueness and showing the world ‘Who You Really Are!’

Interestingly in Hindu traditions, there is an alchemical process called ‘darshan’, symbolized by the touch of a peacock feather on the crown of the head. Hinduism also links peacocks to the cycles of time, which makes it an apt symbol, given that an essential step in regaining our connection to natural, cosmic time is understanding and embracing the power of 13.

Ariel Spilsbury says; “Peacocks hold a great mystery. In addition to their display of outrageous beauty, they do not die from ingested toxins. They literally transmute poisons!”

So see this image as a gift, reminding you of what in your life is toxic and needs to be transmuted and let go of? Sometimes internal change is a slow, subtle process, often we don’t even recognise it is happening. Then one day, you look back at the person you were ten years ago and realise much has changed about yourself, not just in your external world, but how you think, feel and perceive the world. The current pandemic swept into our lives like an unexpected storm and shook us all to the core. Many of us have had to reinvent ourselves not least through the way we work and maintain our livelihoods but also in the way we now navigate our way through the world. Its external impact will no doubt affect internal change in all of us.

As the peacock is a powerful symbol for resurrection and immortality, in the aftermath of the Storm wavespell, we have all returned to the direction of the wind from whence we started. The next week indicates an intensification of energy; but you can use the power of the Peacock to strengthen yourself and look at how firm your foundations are. Take some time to slow down and appreciate the beauty of our world. Stop struggling against the tide and just take time to re-evaluate and adjust.

Above all…Just as the peacock struts gracefully through life, know that you are a powerful being of beauty and radiance – and it’s okay to let your light shine!

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See how the beauty of the peacock colours is reflected in nature. Crystals available from Magnetic Earth Studios, Pool, Cornwall. Image shows; Bismuth; Cobalta; Rainbow Hematite and Labradorite.



Prices: Large Labradorite at the back of the picture: £115 Smaller Labradorite to the right: £25 Pyramid shape Bismuth: £26.50 Multi-dimensional glass Pyramid:£8 Small Cobalta pebble: £4 Rainbow Hematite Sphere on stand: £5 Rainbow Hematite Bracelet £4.50 Bismuth in foreground:£29

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