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Guidance from the 13 Moon Oracle

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Card images and ‘inner guidance’ by Ariel Spilsbury

Today’s card is asking you to think about Balance and Freedom.

“What is it that needs to come in balance in your being, in body, mind and spirit? This kind of balance is dynamic rather than static. It is the balance of a dancer to fluidly and gracefully move between positions”.

I am reminded here of the ‘fluidity’ you find when you engage or watch someone performing yoga, Tai Chi or ballet (or any kind of controlled dance routine for that matter). Maybe this has happened to you also but I know that when I do Yoga sometimes I actually forget to ‘breathe’…so focused on the movement from one stretch to another, that the simple action of breathing gets forgotten! There is a simple interplay between mind (focus/concentration), body (breath/balance) and spirit (mindfulness) that takes place. When you fully master this interplay, one sequence moves effortlessly into another, you breathe effortlessly and all that matters is the focus and engagement in the absolute moment. This is what creates and leads to perfect ‘balance’.

And In balance we find freedom…

Ariel Spilsbury says; “Freedom is the willingness to fully inhabit the moment and recognise that you can choose how you perceive reality. This simple shift in perception is the gateway to freedom. “

In freedom however there is a paradox… because as human beings we have been granted the luxury of ‘free will’. So whilst freedom certainly comes from accepting “what is”, we also know that we have the power to change it. We can change how we perceive any given moment in our lives.

“Stop resisting anything in your life experience”, says Ariel of this card’s message. “What is called for here is a focus on non-resistance to what seems to be dissolving or unravelling in your life.”

If we don’t believe we have true freedom, then we become a victim of our own reality. Take the present circumstances we are all in, if we truly believe we are ‘stuck’, ‘stunted’, or ‘imprisoned’, then that is what we shall be

Recently on the West Country local news I saw an eighty something man being interviewed during the lockdown. The interviewer asked him; “are you feeling like a prisoner in your own home, is it difficult being unable to go out?”

“I am missing seeing people” …came the chipper reply; “but no, not really” he added, “my mind if free… I can go anywhere!”

That comment delighted me!

“My mind if free… I can go anywhere!”

Look at the image of the card again. Contained within what appears to be a solid structure is a ‘fiery’, moving liquid…

And in that ‘fluidity’, you can mindfully create what it is that you want…and let go of anything that ‘fearfully’ holds you back. You are the Creator. Period.

So today, try some simple yoga stretches or Tai Chi movements in your own home to some beautiful background music and see how that fluidity of movement shifts your perception. Find your balance and align solely with your truth in the moment.

Because in that moment you also find …your freedom.



This is a free 10 minute meditation I have written to support today’s blog, aimed at allowing the ‘Mind to wander Free’. I apologise for the lack of music in the background, but unfortunately my skills/audio equipment does not allow me to create that (yet!). I have however attached a link to a beautiful piece of relaxation music from You Tube and credited the producers here by Meditation/Relax Music. You will hear the faint tinkling of wind-chimes at the beginning of the meditation to let you know it has started and then the chimes are repeated at the end (9 minutes 15 seconds), where they act as a ‘prompt’ to gently bring you back to full waking awareness. Please don’t play this audio in the car whilst driving, it is intended to induce relaxation and promote creativity. Played last thing at night, it may well induce sleep. Enjoy! Jacky.

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