In the 9 of Wands, we see a forward facing man, as though bracing himself for the enemy head on. Don’t misinterpret that there is still a trace of fear in his eyes, but he remains resolute. Whilst he stands guard over 8 vertical Wands, he holds a 9th in his hand. His spiritual strength, symbolised by the Wands helps him overcome the threat and opposition that may still come his way.
When I look at this card in a reading I sometimes see the bars of a jail and this is true perhaps of how most of us are feeling right now, confined, our liberty seemingly removed and the ever encroaching feeling of being ‘hemmed in’ that the lockdown has brought with it. (And my intuition tells me there may be another 3 week period of restriction to come after this one).
The 9 of Wands tells us about the battles we have already endured in facing the Covid -19 crisis, as well as the spiritual strength gained in order to cope with more battles that may face us against more opposition in the future.
In Kabbalistic terms this card sits on the path of Yesod to Malkuth and represents the ‘human experience’, the necessary purging in a way in order to reach our final destination.
What we learn in the appearance of this card is that ‘we are all in this together’, of that there is no doubt. Humanity as a collective is going through its own ‘dark night of the soul’. But in this dark night, there is purification and spiritual strength, strength that comes from facing adversity that many of us didn’t know we possessed. This card also carries with it a quality of ‘humility’. Who has not been humbled by the sheer acts of ‘selflessness’ and genuine empathy that we are witnessing in people across the globe, as we join together in a common aim, that is to help one another and beat this disease?
Yes it still feels like our personal happiness is being compromised… Consider this for a moment; what we thought mattered to our happiness when we undertook this journey as a collective… matters little now in the sense of what we are preparing …to become.
My message today would be this; don’t see those wands as prison bars, choose this time to bring about personal awareness through stillness and reflection. Meditate, create, pray, send your healing thoughts out to every single person who has suffered a loss, support those around us and even those we cannot see across every corner of the globe, by keeping the faith… For be in no doubt…we will emerge from this …victorious
Please join us at 8pm tonight Tuesday 21st April.https://magneticearth424745432.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/the-call-goes-out-volume-amended.mp3