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Global Tune In: Sunday 12th at 12 Noon

Tem Angkor

The Power of Prayer

The great Sufi poet Rumi described the mystery and power that lives in all of us in many of his beautiful works and compares the magnitude of that power to a “great oar” that propels us all through life. “If you put your soul against this oar with me” he says, “the power that made the universe will enter your sinew from a source not outside your limbs, but from a Holy realm that lives in us”

He was talking about the force in the Universe that is greater than us… the force from which we seek peace when we are in our most despairing moments… and the force we have come to know as the overriding power of prayer.

Prayer is not a mystical language accessible only to those dedicated aspirants who follow particular religious or spiritual edicts…prayer is accessible to all of us. It is simply the voice inside that speaks with feeling and intent to a greater force beyond ourselves.

We can say that ‘prayer is consciousness’ and if you hold, like I do, the belief that consciousness creates, then what we are asking for from the depths of our soul, has the potential to be created and show up in our lives.

Renowned University Physicist John Wheeler Ph.D, suggested the theory that consciousness is more than a by-product of the universe. He suggests we live in a “participatory” universe. “We are part of a universe that is a work in progress”, he says “We are tiny patches of the universe looking at itself, and building itself.”

Hold this theory just for a second in your mind and think about it in line with our Visualisation. Every time another person joins on or through ‘repetition’ continues to take their awareness to destroying the virus and restoring peace and health to the world amid this global pandemic… then they are adding another building block into the powerful construct of what we are trying to create… they add another spark to the net.

And whilst doing this, whilst holding this visualisation…Prayer becomes an added source of strength that helps us deal with the everyday devastating reality, that the Virus will claim casualties, before we see it gone.

As I started to write this blog post today, Kate sent me this email (synchronicity at work again) “According to a recent study by Copenhagen University, google searches for ‘prayer’ are on the same exponential rise as the virus itself, doubling with every 80,000 new cases”.

Prayer does not have to take place at a certain time of the day, prayer doesn’t have to take on any religious connotation as we have said previously; prayer is simply a way of speaking to the universe that is both meaningful and truly personal. The words don’t matter, what matters is that these conversations come directly from the heart.

So whether we are praying for those lying in a hospital bed, working on the front line or for those in grief who have lost loved ones, or as one person put it, praying, “at the sight of a speeding ambulance go by”, it doesn’t matter, our feelings and our intent matters.

Let go of doubts and despair and say a prayer… Not just today, but every day. Pray for Peace, Health and Happiness to be restored in this world.

Our prayers really do count… and you are more powerful than you ever thought possible.

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