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Dreams of Gaia – Insight into the emerging of a new world


The beautiful connection and symmetry that arises in today’s card is obvious to see.

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Card imagery by Ravynne Phelan

The dictionary definition of the word ‘Union’ literally means; “A number of person, states, etc joined or associated together for some common purpose.”

We have all seen the last few weeks bringing together and uniting many aspects of our troubled world, those areas that we might otherwise have seen as separate from our own.

Mother Nature teaches us the interdependent connectedness in all things and her ability to evolve even in the face of challenging and diverse circumstances. For centuries, human beings have long disrespected and desecrated the fragile ecosystems on which our very survival depends… and yet still nature bounces back. In the image of the card, we see the gift of perpetual growth in the background, and the constant and eternal cycle of nature.

Ravynne Phelan says of this card; “As the dominant species on the planet, the very health of the whole planet is dependent on our own health and unity as a species, and so we must reconnect and integrate and become one with all once more”.

There is a price and a pay off in all things … I am sure like me, you have welcomed the environmental benefits that have arisen as a result of planes being grounded, cars parked unused and factories being shut down. Carbon emissions have lessened and the much needed experience of cleaner air … has been a godsend… the ‘pay off’. The price in human fatalities has been high and cannot, nor should ever be overlooked… the lockdown restrictions however, a small price and necessary in order to create a safer environment for us all.

But the meaning goes even deeper with the image on this card, reminding us that duality often separates what should never be divided in the first instance. On the political stage we see this daily playing out. Opposing parties may take different and even opposite viewpoints and yet the ultimate goal should be a common one and that common aim should never be in question, should never be forgotten. The phrase ‘we are in in this together’ has never been truer.

In Native American traditions, the animals in the foreground can be seen to represent ‘spirit guides’ or ‘animal totems’ and support the ancient wisdom of those long held traditions. In The Eagle we find the ‘higher mind’, the connection to the Creator, the courage and the risk taker. The current crisis has presented for all of, especially those in higher positions making the decisions on our behalf, an element of risk taking and the courage to hold fast until ‘freedom’ can be achieved. In the image of the Wolf, we find perseverance, intuition and loyalty….qualities that have been demanded from us all to get us through.

Most of us yearn for wholeness and harmony within ourselves and want to see this reflected in our external world. It becomes a lifetime quest.

So all I would ask you to do in the wisdom of this card is ‘reflect’… What have we all learned during this abnormal period in our world? And how can you now dedicate that learning in order to achieve unity and wholeness?

Whilst writing this post today, I was reminded of the words of one of our greatest songwriters… the late, great John Lennon…he had a vision.

Maybe if we hold that vision, together, one day we will achieve it…

“Imagine there’s no countries It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace

You may say that I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will be as one.” ― John Lennon, Imagine

Blessings, Jacky

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