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Covid-19: Keep Calm and Carry On.


Amid the growing reports of what is now being hailed as a Pandemic of the Covid – 19 or Coronavirus, there is an even greater need for taking control of our fears … and in turn our minds. One of the greatest gifts of the human condition is that we have ‘free will’ and whilst it is right and prudent to be ‘aware’ of the virus and how it is behaving… we can choose to remain calm in the face of it. We can choose to limit how much time we spend thinking about it and how much time we spend tracking or following it in news reports.

Take a deep breath and remember this … Every cell in our body has a natural impulse and instinct to thrive and survive. Your heart wants to beat, your lungs want to breathe. When you accept this and then are faced with feelings of overwhelming anxiety, just stop for a moment …and breathe. Really breathe…

Notice how this instantly quells that sickly panicky feeling rising from the pit of your stomach.

The mind is the key. It is what underlies all of creation. It can be your greatest enemy or your greatest ally. A thought if it is powerful enough can create a change in your outer circumstances. Has that ever happened to you? When you have thought about something for so long and so hard, that it has actually become a reality? Then imagine for a second how powerful your thoughts can be if you want something to go away… and then multiply that by the power of ‘collective thought’… (See Article entitled: The Seven Sentinels).

Reflect on this for a moment…

During the mayhem of the relentless bombings at the outbreak of WWII, there was a sheer ‘grit and determined attitude’ of the British people that became known as the Blitz Spirit. In the face of great trial and disruption on a global scale, the British people faced with a tyrannical opponent, annihilation on a grand scale and rampant disease simply ‘kept Calm and Carried on’. We can learn much from their ethos in dealing with the potentially harmful and unknown virus we are threatened with today.

Every single waking moment, you have a new opportunity to consciously give yourself positive input, to breathe and to feel that breath filling your lungs with oxygen, life giving energy and to say to yourself “ I can choose to remain calm in the face of this crisis”.

If you want to play your part, please join like-minded people by taking part in a simple but powerful visualisation here: Here

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