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A Mayan Perspective

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Seventeen years ago, The Mayan Sacred Calendar (The Tzolkin) called to me and ever since I have been an avid explorer of this timeless cosmology, absorbing its wondrous wisdom as well as using it as a tool to empower others, both through my readings and in my workshops. It was the Great Master Jose Arguelles who said “Whosoever owns your time, owns your mind”.

A mechanized calendar (Roman) consisting of uneven months and days never made much sense to me. It is little wonder that most of us spend our days feeling ‘super-stressed’ most of the time and complaining at the end of the day “there aren’t enough hours!” The Gregorian (Roman) calendar doesn’t fit who we are in essence, at the very core of our being. It is at that core that we long for a re-connection to the natural cycles of the universe…. To nature herself.

Each year the calendar begins on the 26th July at the exact point when the Earth, the Sun and Sirius are in galactic alignment. The calendar is built literally upon the synchronistic order of the universe. The Ancients knew this and as such lived in peace and harmony with the land.

This Easter Sunday kick-started a White Magnetic Wizard wavespell in the calendar. That same energy is also echoed in the Earth’s own life cycle… we are currently in a Magnetic Wizard year right up until 24th July. The current wave runs for 13 days up to and including 24th April.

The White Wizard – IX – pronounced ‘Eesh’.


Wizard energy enchants us … it teaches us about ‘timelessness’ and that time does not exist but is merely a construct of the mind. In Wizard energy we can dive deeply into the well of our unconscious and access the wisdom of the ancients… through alignment with our ‘heart knowing’, Wizard energy speaks of magic and belongs to the seers and the shamans that have always existed and still now, walk amongst us.

Interestingly on Sunday, Kate, without prior knowledge of us entering a Wizard wavespell in the calendar chose to create a ‘Virtual Pilgrimage’ (See Blog here) and together with the evocative choral music of the Thomas Tallis choir, took us on a journey through time amid arresting images of the Glastonbury landscape.

We have both amused ourselves over the last few days of our ability to lose all sense of time, to be so caught up in the moment or silently absorbed by something which wholly captivates our attention, that seemingly ‘time slips away from us’…

So for the next ten days I ask you to allow your intuition to guide you and see what ‘magic’ it brings to your door, don the magician’s cloak and use the shamanic tools you have around you to access that inner wisdom and ancient ‘knowingness’.

The shaman tools associated with Wizard energy are; The Jaguar animal totem; moldavite; dowsing pendulums; crystal ball; patchouli oil & incense; basil; laser quartz; tourmaline and Opal.


Dive deep into the chalice well of the unconsciousness and surrender to your receptivity and heart knowing…

When you think with your heart, you become a torchbearer for the light…

In the Visualisation that you have been engaging in, we have asked you to carry your lighted torches and to continue to ignite the net of fire. This defence we have created against the virus is already built, it exists now in an imaginal realm that time can neither distort nor erase.

And you did that! …. by freeing your minds and releasing the magic!

Have A Happy Wizard wavespell! Jacky

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