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Turquoise Howlite (Large) polished Tumbled stones

Turquoise Howlite (Large) polished Tumbled stones



Turquoise Howlite mostly resembles Turquoise and although artificially stained, actually has stronger 'protective' properties than white howlite.  It is particularly effective for empowering women and young people, as it is more gentle and more gradual in its energy build-up than Turquoise. 

A good stone for acquiring perseverence and vision and is great to carry around if you want to take an amateur interest to higher, more professional levels. 

Encouraging clear speeech in adults and children, Turquoise Howlite links to the throat chakra and assists those who may get self-conscious when answering questions in an open forum.

On a physical level, it supports the spine, back, neck, teeth and gums and improves stamina and strength if recovering from a long term illness.

These lovely polished tumble stones are a good size to work with or carry around.

One will be picked at random for you. The Price is for one stone.

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