Picture Jasper (small - medium)Tumbled Stones
Picture Jasper is a remarkable mix of banding, flow patterns, created by petrified or silicate mud and sometimes dendritic (vegetation-like) inclusions. It's one of my favourites of the Jasper family, because tracing those beautiful lines is like 'doodling in action' and reveals the most amazing pictures!
It is a great stone for encouraging initiative, instil confidence and help those setting up in business have a vision for their project.
Some swear by it for when you are trying to give up smoking; simply hold picture jasper when you have the craving and focus on the patterns to relax, as you gently breathe in its healing strength.
On a physical level, Picture Jasper relieves skin disorders and allergies, helps lung conditions, the immune system and chronic constipation. Try carrying or wearing Picture Jasper over a period of months in order to bond with it and make a connection; it will help unlock hidden fears and dissolve them.
An excellent stone for encouraging the gift of psychic art who paint spirit guides.
Tumbled stones - typically measure 25mm. Picked at random. Price is for each stone.