Red Tiger's Eye 30mm Sphere
Red Tiger's eye occurs naturally when the golden brown variety is exposed to heat, such as fire or lightning. it's beautiful banded surface reflects iridescent light, much like that of the cat's eye stone.
It's a great stone for women to carry around, wear or have in the workplace as it promotes 'quiet courage' when in a male dominated workplace, where sexism may prevail. It acts as a fierce defence to combat bullying of any kind.
Likewise, like its golden counterpart it eases tension and anger, helping to find focus in meditation and releasing blocks to moving forward.
Seen as being associated with the blood, Red Tiger's eye will help with anaemia, blood related disorders. Stimulates overall body strength and vitality.
This is a stone to fill the wearer with enthusiasm and optimism; calms anger and irritability.
This has lovely markings. It is the EXACT item you will receive.