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The 13 Moon Oracle – a glimpse into our future.


Following a period of deep contemplation and whilst asking the question; “what does the future hold for us all?” I was moved by the rich multi–layered symbolism of today’s card.

The ‘Attune’ card in the 13 Moon Oracle deck.

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Look at the dark foreboding clouds in the background, do they seem indicative to you of the darkness we have travelled through? … And yet if you look deeper, the appearance of a flower petal opening up behind the symbol reminds us of the ever changing cycles of life and the paving of the way for new growth…

Through the darkness like a beacon of light and clearing away the shadows, the golden staff of ‘attunement’ holds firm and shines brightly. Sometimes referred to as the cosmic axis, the homeland and the centre of the world where heaven meets earth. It is centred and grounded and rooted in the earth.

The ‘axis mundi’ is the “empty conduit that runs through the Earth, our spines, molecules, in all things…” says Ariel Spilsbury. Like a powerful tuning fork, it reminds us to step into our new raised vibration, to attune ourselves to the new frequencies… the light that is emerging from the darkness.

Ariel asks; “put a stethoscope on your heart, to attune to the prevailing frequency…” There are many sacred sites and earthly locations that claim to be the perceived ‘axis mundi’ or centre of the world; Mount Fuji in Japan, the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount, Mecca in Islam, or the Black Hills of Sioux territory. Some schools of thought hold that we, as human beings represent the axis mundi, as we are situated between heaven and earth.

Hinduism and Buddhism, sees the human body as a temple, a pillar between heaven and earth, with the chakric centres our connection to other dimensions. Through meditation, mindfulness and disciplined spiritual practices, we can achieve these higher states of ‘connection’, leading us to grow and evolve as human beings. The idea of the human body as an axis mundi may also be seen in Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man.


‘The Vetruvian Man’ by Leonardo Da Vinci, the master who embodied the human body in ‘divine proportion’.

Take another look at the image of the ‘Attune’ card.

Perhaps like me the central rod reminds you of the ancient Caduceus symbol, the entwined serpents around a staff which has long been used in the fields of medicine and instrumental in decorating pharmaceutical products and packaging as well as an emblem used in hospital architecture … very apt for the times we currently find ourselves in.

But where did the image of the entwined serpents come from?

In Greek mythology, the Olympian god Hermes is attributed to the Caduceus symbol. Hermes was believed to be a messenger between the gods and humans (depicted by the wings) and who acted as a guide to the underworld (depicted by the staff). He was also thought to be the ‘protector’ of travellers in ancient times, an appropriate medical connection as physicians often travelled great distances to visit the sick, frequently over rough terrain and on foot.

The story goes that Hermes used the stick to separate two fighting serpents, who then immediately wrapped themselves around it and remained there forever, in perfect accord and harmony. It is a beautiful ‘balancing’ symbol when you meditate on it.

The wings of Horus take central place at the top of the staff. It is interesting to note that both the Egyptians and the Maya chose a winged circle to symbolise the divine attributions in man. We find this symbol leaping from hieroglyphic inscriptions and on the entranceways of temples, the winged circle appears throughout Egyptian architecture and represents the eternal nature of the soul.

Rich symbolism indeed…

But what is this card teaching is about what the future holds?

It is my belief that it asks us to ‘tune in’ to the new frequencies that we have each created in a world that has temporarily been held ‘in suspension’. We are not completely out of the darkness, confusion and uncertainty still reigns over us, this cycle in our history is as complex and as multi-layered as the image on this card. But we are emerging slowly into the light. When we look back, maybe we can take an elevated view on how the world looks and see that the journey behind us, although life changing for many of us… has been ultimately ‘healing’ too. Our world view will be different. We will hold the sacredness of all life in higher value. We will be able to look back and see the things and indeed the people that shaped our new experience of the world.

So focus on the image in this card for a moment and attune to the higher frequencies of joy, gratitude and love… and listen to the voice of your inner soul. What is being transmitted through you?

And; What does it tell you of humanity’s future?



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